Stride 1: Getting Running

That completes Stride 1: Getting Running, in this stride you learnt:

  • what some of the different options are for cloud free home automation in Step 1: Engine
  • how to install the chosen home automation system (Home Assistant) in Step 2: Setup
  • what each of the panels are in a brief overview of the interface in Step 3: Using
  • a bit of YAML Ain’t Markup Language in Footstep 1: YAML
  • how to use the Configurator and add in some themes to Home Assistant in Step 4: Looks
  • there is a difference between Configuration and Configurator in Home Assistant in Footstep 2: Config
  • how to add a simple automation to change the theme based on the sun or moon in Step 5: Sun & Moon

With this introduction stride, hopefully you have a good overview of Home Assistant and feel happy in tweaking some configuration files.

The next stride is all about external sensors and switches to enable the automation of your home.

Next: Step 6: Components