You will have probably noticed that all the devices have a ridiculously long and inappropriate name. The motion sensor and it’s associated entities can amalgamate a massively long and cumbersome name .
Fret not, these names can be changed. In fact a good chunk of details can be customised through the built-in management interface provided by Home Assistant.
Configuration ->
Through the customisation interface you can not only change the devices represented name, but the unit of measurement or any attribute the device has.
You can also edit just the names of entities through the entitity registry interface.
Configuration ->
Renaming your devices and sensors makes sense, especially if you are expecting to buy multiple of the same type of sensor. In a couple of years time will you remember that fgms001-zw5_motion_sensor_1 is in the lounge and that fgms001-zw5_motion_sensor_2 is in the hallway!? You possibly will, but a way of guaranteeing that is to rename the devices to have a suitable and appropriate name.
Next: Step 9: Dash